Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ben in Croatia, day 6

Being in Croatia has been very interesting. There are so many things to get used to and so many things to learn.  It is overwhelming to think about. I am praying that God would open my eyes to what he has for me here and that he would help me to seize every opportunity that comes my way and use those opportunities to be a tool for him.

I got to try some goulash yesterday haha it wasnt bad. I think I am going to be sick of Coke and Coke Zero pretty fast because that is about all they have here when it comes to soda. My apartment is really cool, i just walked around a lot in my neighborhood and it seems like there are Caffe bar's, butcher shops and bakeries everywhere.

I live right on top of a missionary couple from Send International and I was talking to them about their 2 or so years that they have spent here. The people here are very open to talking about their beliefs about God. They claim to be "catholic" but also many will say that they are agnostic or they beleive that God probably exists but they aren't willing to be open to a relationship with him. So, I am very excited to see how God uses me to reach the people here even though it seems like it will be a challenge for sure.

I was talking to Justin, the missionary who lives under me, about the football ministry and the football team that he is a part of, thats right AMERICAN football! It looks like I might be able to meet and spend a lot of time with some Croatians through playing some tackle football so I am very excited about that.

It looks like in a few minutes we (Me, Stephanie, Dave, Betsy, JJ) will be going to an Anglican church service tonight, im not sure if it will be in Croatian or english haha, we will see. If you dont know....Stephanie and I are Mission Corps volunteers/missionaries and Dave and Betsy Scott are more permanent missionaries through the Nazarene church as well and JJ is their son who is 5 or 6 years old I beleive, they have been here for 7 months.

Pray for us!! That we would be able to be encouraged by the Holy Spirit to push through the challenges that we face and to be a light to these people here, so that they can also experience the mystery and the mind-blowing love of Christ!!

-Ben Ponder

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