Thursday, November 15, 2012

Now that I’ve been back for almost a month, I’ve really begun to start settling in.  I found a semi-permanent home and have made it feel nice and cozy for the holiday season.   Excited to host my very first Christmas in my own place with my family (My parents, sister, AND Grandma are coming for Christmas!). 

Karmen's home, after the water had receded a little
While I was trying to get settled in Zagreb a tragedy hit about an hour away in Puscine.  Last Wednesday Slovenia had a flood that caused a huge wave to come down the river into Croatia and flood the small village of Puscine.  This is where the home of Karmen (One of our partners with the Roma) is.  Unfortunately her entire 1st floor of her home was flooded.  The water line came to about a foot from the ceiling.  Their church just up the road was also damaged significantly by the water. 

This was the room I stayed every week when
 I would go up and help  Karmen in the Villages

I was able to go up on Saturday to help with whatever I could, at one point I was speaking with Bratko (Karmen’s husband), I just hugged him and said how sorry I was.  He turned to me and said “But you know what, I have my life, I have my family, no one is dead or hurt, so it’s ok”.  I was pleasantly surprised by his attitude.  There is still quite a lot of work to be done but everyone is safe which is the important thing.  It’s been an extremely humbling experience to see how everyone is dealing with this tragedy. 

Something else that is that extremely time sensitive is that we are purchasing a team car for me to use to get back and forth to the Roma villages.  We need this now, in fact there is a car in mind that we are going to look at soon.  The thing is, we have the money for the car but we still need money to pay for insurance and registration.  My district was able to take a love offering for me at a youth event and they raised $300, which is great!  We only need $700 more.  I normally don’t do this, I actually hate doing this, but will you please consider donating $10-$15 toward this project?
If you can give you can give online to the link attached to the side of my blog labbled Stephanie’s Convio.  This is through Nazarene Mission Corps so it is very safe for you to give online.   
This will open so many doors for our ministry not only in the Roma but also in Zagreb.  Thanks for your consideration. 

Please keep the people of Puscine in your prayers.

Until next time